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I am always looking for new projets to do, that involve hacking, code, electronics, music or well, anything else ! If you want to talk about it and if you think I can bring something to your project, do not hesitate to contact me: tchap
followed by @tchap.me
When logs take too much space and prevent you from listing and debugging easily in /var/log/nginx, it's time to act. logrotate.d i generally installed by defaults on distros like Debian and Ubuntu and can help us in this task. Nginx being a good guy, it already has…
So I heard you're using PDO, so you should use bindParam to replace your parameters in your requests DQL. Now, suppose you use functions in your requests, such as GeomFromText : $query = " SELECT * FROM points p WHERE p.point = GeomFromText('POINT(:lat :lng)')"; $statement = $db->prepare($query)…
When using HHVM when you come from the PHP world (I'm talking about the binaries, not the language), you can easily get lost when trying to serve multiple sites on one server. That's why using a single instance of HHVM on one server to serve many sites can be a…
if it doesn't work ... despite having he correct line in your ~/.ssh/config : Host foobar.pizza ForwardAgent yes ... and that your global configuration does not override your local configuration (check /etc/ssh_config) : Host * SendEnv LANG LC_* # ForwardAgent no Well, on OS X, You just need to (Mac OS X…
To redirect a www domain to the « root » domain with Nginx, one always prefers not to make any use of the if syntax (because it's evil), and rather use two different server directives for each rule : server { server_name www.domain.com; return 301 $scheme://domain.com$request_uri; } server…