Caddy for Ghost

If you're trying to serve your Ghost blog with Caddy, the configuration is pretty simple, but you must add the X-Forwarded-Proto header upstream for the https redirection to work : { reverse_proxy localhost:3000 { header_up X-Forwarded-Proto {scheme} } } Note that you don't need any file_server directive since everything…

Tunnel all the things

When you need to take control over a remote server or device, problems start to arise. Whether the device is behind a corporate firewall, a restrictive set-top box, or is just not publicly available from the Internet, it's always difficult to gain and keep access over the lifespan of the…

Current & Temp sensor — version 2

So ... after having tested my Arduino current & temperature sensor for a while (see this post), I had the idea of recreating it in a more compact and replicable way using the MQTT + NodeMCU paradigm I was explaining lately (namely, in this post). So I took on rewriting the Arduino…

A simple web interface for mlmmj

If you've ever tried to setup a mail server for mailing lists, you probably ran into a difficult choice : what mailing list manager should I use ? There are actually not a lot of solutions out there that are open source and easy to use (and to install). The usual suspects…