Hire me!
I am always looking for new projets to do, that involve hacking, code, electronics, music or well, anything else ! If you want to talk about it and if you think I can bring something to your project, do not hesitate to contact me: tchap
followed by @tchap.me
The μLCD 32PT is a nice TFT display from the Australians at 4DSystems. I have found two in an old box - perfect for Recycling Thursday ! The legacy documentation is here (GFX flavour). So it's time to spin up a Windows VM and try to make something useful out of…
So, we're going to the New York World Makerfaire this end of September. That means that we will be presenting Pianette to a very large audience, thus it needs a bit of overhaul beforehand! A lot of bug fixes You can take a look at our git history — there's a…
Ok. We made it. Pianette will be exhibiting at the New York World MakerFaire 2016 ! If you don't know what Pianette is, take a look at our article here : http://www.foobarflies.io/pianette/ The Makerfaire takes place this year, October 1 + 2, in New York City, at the Hall…
A Musical and Retro-gaming installation and live event. TL,DR; We seamlessly transformed two classical upright pianos into Playstation 2 controllers using custom analog piezo triggers, Raspberry Pi B+ and Arduino Unos and created a specific Python3 firmware to map a classical playing style onto the Street Fighter Alpha 3…