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I am always looking for new projets to do, that involve hacking, code, electronics, music or well, anything else ! If you want to talk about it and if you think I can bring something to your project, do not hesitate to contact me: tchap
followed by @tchap.me
For less than 50€, you can get your hands on this tiny and easy to use sensor to monitor O₂ concentration up to 25%. https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Oxygen-Sensor-ME2-O2-2-p-1541.html The problem is, the documentation is really crappy. After hours of searching and testing to find the actual working example…
We love Adafruit. We love their products, libraries, their tools, ... well basically everything they do and share to the public. I've been using their Adafruit GFX library for a while now with every kind of display available on their shop : from the low-power Sharp to the SPI-enabled color TFTs, and…
I've been piling a lot of junk boards, sensors and electronic things recently and since I have some time, I decided I might try to revive some of these old items to do something (quite) useful ! They are primarily v0.1 boards from kickstarter campaigns, old versions of shields and…
Ok, so in the last few articles, we focused on what the NodeMCU + Lua ecosystem could do for us; and actually, it does a great deal of stuff in a very straightforward way. The Lua API, albeit a bit php-esque sometimes, is pretty simple to understand and to code. The…
Olimex is a Bulgarian firm that creates development boards based on various controllers, including Atmel's AVR such as the ATMega 328P (like the Arduino Uno) or the ATTiny85, for instance. One of these boards is the Olimexino 85, based on the ATTiny85. You can buy it here. This board comes…