Hire me!
I am always looking for new projets to do, that involve hacking, code, electronics, music or well, anything else ! If you want to talk about it and if you think I can bring something to your project, do not hesitate to contact me: tchap
followed by @tchap.me
I have tried to find the most efficient way to redirect all trafic for a specific domain to its https counterpart, and also to redirect to the domain without the www subdomain. I'm using Nginx in production and after combining various different solutions I found, I settled on this simple…
In my recent PHP projects, I tend to use Symfony 4, and Webpack Encore to build my assets. I find it to be a strong set of base tools for PHP apps. Webpack is a quite convenient way to build assets, widely used in the NodeJS world and for static…
We love Adafruit. We love their products, libraries, their tools, ... well basically everything they do and share to the public. I've been using their Adafruit GFX library for a while now with every kind of display available on their shop : from the low-power Sharp to the SPI-enabled color TFTs, and…
When you need to take control over a remote server or device, problems start to arise. Whether the device is behind a corporate firewall, a restrictive set-top box, or is just not publicly available from the Internet, it's always difficult to gain and keep access over the lifespan of the…
I've been working on information displays for quite a while and one major feature of these displays is that they are required to display as little as possible of the underlying system they are using. oops No one wants to see a BSOD, a boot sequence or any kind of…